SkyAgri in #CorporateVentureinBrasil 2018
SkyDrones will be presenting for investors his Ag Big Data spin-off company SkyAgri at the APEX-Brasil event that will take place this week in São Paulo. We will be presenting SkyAgri on October 3rd, 2:20 PM. The full agenda can be seen here.
SkyAgri, a SkyDrones group company, provides timely precision digital agriculture services through automated Big Data Capture using drones. Counting with experienced professionals, own algorithms and using artificial intelligence, we produce agronomic information for decision making ERP platforms and technical recommendations, besides making automated punctual corrections by means of crop spraying drones.
Through connections between big corporations, foreign and local investors, and #startups, #CorporateVentureinBrasil 2018 will share the best practices in corporate venturing for the Brazilian #innovation environment. Its main purpose: to foster breakthrough from the beginning and provide companies with a global vision of the future. The event takes place in São Paulo, on October 2nd and 3rd. Follow @Apex-Brasil on Twitter for more info: www.twitter.com/apexbrasil_en #InvestInBrasil #CorporateVenture #InvestInBrazil